City of Dallas responds to West Nile Virus with emergency mosquito spraying

Dallas, Texas – Dallas is on high alert as mosquito samples in the area have tested positive for the West Nile Virus. In response, the city has scheduled mosquito control spraying to mitigate the spread of the virus. This preventive measure is set to occur from Saturday, June 8, through Sunday, June 9, 2024, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., weather permitting.
The specific area targeted for spraying is bounded by streets within the 9600 block of Whitehurst Dr (75243): FOREST SPRINGS DRIVE to the north, ECHO VALLEY DRIVE to the west, BRITTANIA COURT to the east, and ROYAL LANE to the south. This precise targeting aims to maximize the effectiveness of the spraying while minimizing unnecessary exposure to the surrounding areas.
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Residents within the defined spraying zone are advised to take precautions. The Environmental Protection Agency has approved the insecticide used for spraying; however, it is recommended that residents avoid direct contact with the spray. This can be achieved by staying indoors during spraying hours. If residents must be in vehicles during this time, they should keep windows up and air conditioners on until the spray has dissipated. Those who inadvertently come into contact with the spray should wash the affected area with soap and water immediately.
In addition to the spraying efforts, Dallas residents are encouraged to take proactive measures to protect themselves from mosquito bites. This includes reducing outdoor activities during peak mosquito hours in the evening and at night. When outside, covering arms and legs and using mosquito repellent can significantly reduce the risk of bites.
The city is also tackling the issue of mosquito breeding grounds. Residents are urged to eliminate any standing water on their properties, as these are potential breeding sites for mosquitoes. Common breeding locations include neglected swimming pools, water dishes for pets, birdbaths, potted plants, and clogged gutters. By addressing these areas promptly, the community can help prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes and the diseases they may carry.
Free mosquito dunks are available to residents at various Code Compliance Services District Offices, helping to further combat mosquito populations in standing water. These locations and their contact information are provided to ensure residents know where to obtain these resources and report any concerns related to standing water or mosquito infestations.
The city encourages community involvement in its ongoing efforts to “Fight the Bite.” Residents can report standing water or mosquito problems by calling 3-1-1. Those wishing to be excluded from the spraying can also contact 3-1-1 to be placed on the Do Not Spray list. Additional information and resources on mosquito control are available on the Dallas City News website, providing residents with the necessary tools to protect themselves and their community from the West Nile Virus.